How to Cure Cannabis for Great Taste! | Cannabis Grow Guides Episode 23
On this weeks Grow Guides: Episode 23 | What is cannabis curing, and why is it important? | How long does it take to cure cannabis properly? | What is the ideal temperature and humidity for curing cannabis? | What tools or equipment do I need to cure cannabis? | How often should you "burp" jars during the curing process? | Can over-drying ruin your cannabis before curing? | What are some signs that cannabis is cured properly? | Is it necessary to use humidity packs? | Can you cure cannabis in a freezer or refrigerator? | How do you store cannabis after curing? | Does curing improve potency over time? | Can you rehydrate over-dried cannabis? | What is the best container for curing cannabis? |
If you have any questions you'd like us to cover on next week's show, please feel free to reach out via your favourite social network, our Discord server, or, of course, on Percy's Grow Room. Visit our website for links.
Thank you for downloading and listening to our cannabis podcast! I hope you have enjoyed this episode.